Friday, June 18, 2010

If Borderlands and Gears of War had a baby.........

It'd most likely turn out like Bulletstorm; a crazy shoot-em-up that's all about creative ways to kill stuff... What more could you ask for? What it lacks in a concrete story it seems to make up for in insane bad-asteriskness.

For more on Bulletstorm, check out their website here.      

Assassin's Creed Brotherhood!?!

The one thing I thought couldn't be done is now being attempted: an Assassin's Creed game with a multiplayer component. So far it looks pretty awesome, especially based on this video here:

However, I'm not entirely sold on the multiplayer just yet. Here's a brief, narrated video of the multiplayer:

So what do you guys think? Be sure to share your thoughts below in the comments!

For more on Assassin's Creed Brotherhood, check out their website here.

Monday, June 14, 2010


   It's that time of year again! Don't worry, it's not some important date relating to a close loved one or partner.... unless it is; in which case be sure to purchase lots and lots of flowers and chocolates! Anyway, E3 is finally back! I'll be sure to post some of the most exciting news!

Also, I just picked up Darkness Within 2, so be sure to check out The Bosconator's Youtube channel on the right side to see if I put up some gameplay videos! If you're interested in purchasing it, check out The Adventure Shop who is have a 50% off sale for the entire week.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Nehrim is here!

After four years of development, Nehrim has finally hit the net! This awesome German mod for Oblivion is free to download and offers over 50 hours of gameplay. Here's a gameplay video I made for you guys, be sure to rate and comment if you want me to make some more; I promise, I'll try to look like even more of a fool trying to decipher mission objectives!:

Check here for more information on Nehrim.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

The Cake is a Lie!

It was only until a couple weeks back when I was first able to to play Portal, and although it was short, it certainly did not lack in quality. there's just so much fun to be had with a portal gun and cute little turret drones, which is mainly why I'm so happy to hear about Portal 2 coming out........ in 2011! Well, to compensate for this long wait, I've posted the download link to Portal: Prelude which is one of the best mods for Portal, so play it! (there's cake I promise*):

* Not really any cake.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Red Dead Redemption Cinematic

Check out this new short film about Red Dead Redemption directed by John Hillcoat. Although a lot of it is basically cinematics from the main story, it's still pretty fun to watch: