There's almost nothing I can say about Modern Warfare 2 that you haven't already heard before. I mean, I guess I could say that it's campaign was "too epic" (in a bad way) and lacked an intriguing and well thought-out story, but that's it because the true place that MW2 shines is in it's multiplayer. Instead, I'll just give you the low-down.
Perhaps the most exciting improvement to multiplayer is the new killstreak reward feature. See, now instead of the 7 kills in a row for the helicopter, you can replace that helicopter for a harrier airstrike that shoots down some missiles over the targeted area and has a harrier jet clean up some more remaining enemies in the area. My favorite has to be either the AC-130 gunship or the Chopper Gunner because they allow you rain down fire upon the enemy from above. Yes, it's as awesome as it sounds.
AC-130 Gunship View |
Modern Warfare 2 also features a new Co-op mode called Spec-Ops. There's not much to say about it other than it allows 2 players to play through mostly modified missions from the campaign. As fun as it was, I wasn't very interested in it and would rather play matches. There's also a lot of new guns this time around. For the most part, a lot of the guns from MW have been removed in multiplayer, unfortunately that includes my awesome G3. They did, however, try and stay true to the gun types of the first so people wouldn't feel left out if they found that their weapon had been removed.
In conclusion, if you have an Xbox 360 this is a definite purchase. It's single player campaign has a solid experience and it's a great time online with some friends or even if you wanna play lonewolf.
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